18 December

Chronicles Of Zip: Ambushing Fate (Again). He Loves Startling The Dogs

by Jon Katz

It’s astonishing to see the confidence and smarts with which Zip has made himself the undisputed King of Bedlam Farm (that sure includes me). Fate still needs to learn how to handle him. I don’t see it coming any time soon.

Lately, he’s polishing his ambushing skills. He waits for Fate to come buy and stare at him, and the second her back is turned, he reaches down and swats her (claws in). She has no idea what to do.

He also does this to Zinnia, but she takes it as a sign to start playing and running back and forth with him. This farm has been different since Zip arrived. Sometimes, the sheep try to buck him when they eat, and he moves over and lies on his back. (Photos by Maria)



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