5 December

Today, The Pantry Request: Ready Rice, (Pack of 6, $9.98,) And Canned Chicken, (Pack of 4, $7.93). Instant Dinners, Good Source Of Vitamins.

by Jon Katz

Today, Sarah asks for help getting two favorite meals, both inexpensive with vitamins and protein.

Both are on the Cambridge Pantry Amazon Food Wish List and can be purchased anytime, along with the other items on the list. The list can be accessed anytime by clicking on links here or going to the bottom of any blog post and clicking on “Cambridge Pantry Food.”

Food pantries have the freedom to order what they need, but the truly effective ones demonstrate resourcefulness by balancing and combining ingredients in a way that is cost-effective, versatile, and nutritious. We are here to support and appreciate their inspiring efforts in this.

Food pantries play a crucial role in providing the essentials that people, especially the young, need at least occasionally. Their contribution is significant and integral to the community.

These families often live in cramped apartments with little kitchen space, a hot place, and very little time (almost all of these families work when they can). Sarah tries to juggle the items because they offer some vitamins and proteins and can be prepared instantly using available cooking devices. It’s complex, a juggling act, every day. You are helping tremendously; thank you.

Canned chicken is a smart option because it’s a good source of lean protein and now in carbohydrates.
Here are some benefits of canned chicken. Ben’s Ready Rice is cholesterol free, low in sodium and contains no saturted fat. It’s also a good source of iron and folic acd.  The pantry membzers can also used canned chicken in soups, salads, casseroles and tacos.


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