It was meant to be a group photo I was taking of the volunteers at the Cambridge Food Pantry to honor Giving Tuesday. Fate intervened. A massive truckload of food had just been pulled in from the New York Food Bank, and most volunteers who usually help unload, unpack, and fill the shelves and store couldn’t make it.
Maria, who volunteers every Tuesday afternoon when the food bank food comes in, rushed to help, and when I showed up, everyone was too busy to stop and pose for a photo.
Pantry volunteering is not simple or easy, and I usually confine my support to pontificating and asking for help. I am 77; I’m entitled to some exceptions. But I couldn’t take my photos, walk out, and get in the car, leaving the volunteers—Maria among them—stuck.
I helped out as best I could.
It took a full three hours to get everything sorted. I made it through two hours before my back and legs gave out, and I fled. I was beyond tired while several women as old or older than me were still going, slower but steadier.
Since I couldn’t take pictures for my Tuesday Giving non-profit donation group, I took some photos for my new Cambridge Pantry Art post column, then came home and napped. My wife, Tarzana, a/k/a Hera, the goddess of the night and killer of demons, was zipping everywhere, opening boxes, sorting the contents and getting them to the right places.
She has fantastic energy. I was happy to be helpful on this day as I love the pantry’s work and role. When I got home, I texted this photo to Sarah and told her I hoped she enjoyed it, as I doubt it will ever be seen again. Happy Giving Tuesday! Please donate to the non-profit of your choice. Mine is the Cambridge Food Pantry.
Great People working for a great cause.
We unpacked the boxes, then carted them into storage rooms and some onto the shelves.
Thanks so much for sending the first canned vegetables to the pantry. It was Thanksgiving Day, and Amazon software crashed, but you still managed to get some veggie cans out. These are the heroic Thanksgiving Day cans who got through the chaos. Thank you. More are coming. It was much appreciated, and Sarah says many more veggie cans are on the way—a million chances. Doing good is the answer.
Absolutely , I’ve mentioned it many times on the blog.