29 November

Flower Art. Making Cold Warm, Color And Light. Real Love

by Jon Katz

I don’t believe I found real love when I first met Maria. Real love, I was to learn, came when I finally learned to put her ahead of myself, something that took some time. Real love means empathy and compassion, the kind of love without any conditions. We formed a community of two and began the practice of true love, including anger and resentment,  honesty and forgiveness, and, most importantly, a willingness to talk through our differences and difficulties.  True love is about overcoming difficulty, not having none. Real love is never finished it lives and grows every day. Making another person happy is an art without ending.

See you in the morning.











  1. “Real love is never finished it lives and grows every day. Making another person happy is an art without ending.” This is SO PROFOUND. Thank you for sharing it. Would to God all husbands and wives could learn this. My late beloved Don and I knew this reality, and I miss him so much. Thank you for such a profound post.

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