22 November

Flower Art, Abbreviated But Sweet. My New Purple Calla Lili.

by Jon Katz

A brilliant colorist, O’Keeffe created strong, vibrant works with colors that glow with energy and vitality. Her facility with a variety of media—pastel, charcoal, watercolor, and oil—combined with her sense for line, color, and composition to produce deceptively simple works.”

— The Georgia O’Keeffe Museum on O’keefe’s ground breaking work that made the Carra Lilies famous.


I got a new Calla Lily on Amazon, which arrived last week. It is amazingly and exotically beautiful, and you’ll see many of it and two other Calla plants this winter.  Then, they’ll go outside and hopefully end up in my raised garden for the summer.

These Callas are deceptively simple; that’s their beauty to me. Thanks to Georgia.

I posted a Pantry Art post today and will pass up most of the flower art today. I’m bushed, and these three will have to do.

But I couldn’t resist this Calla when I saw it in the day’s last sunlight. So, I ran outside for one last photo today (two, actually) and put up an abbreviated flower art post. It’s supposed to be sunny tomorrow, so I’ll introduce it (and you) to the sun.


Okay, one more.


    1. I have a wonderful florist locally but she couldn’t callas. On Amazon I got four beautiful Callas inexpensive well packed and beautiful. I’q quite happy with them.

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