Zip is always with me when I go outside to take photos; he doesn’t bother me or get in the way; he gets close and keeps me company, sending me encouragement and fun vibes. Many people messaged me yesterday asking if I would put up this photo of him; again, it was taken yesterday, Wednesday, as I sat outside taking some pictures.
He pops his head in occasionally to see what I’m doing, and I think I got one of the year’s pictures. Maria said we should make notecards out of it, and I agreed. We’ll order some postcards and notecards next week; people can buy one.
It’s my nominee for Animal Photo of the Year.
I call it “Spirit Of The Cat” and am pleased to post it again. Thanks for loving my cat. Your support means the world to him and me. A mind but stinging curses – itching maybe – on the know-nothings who would take his wonderful life away and put him in a Barn Cat prison or crate. How sad to try to deprive people and animals of such love. One day, animals will hopefully have the advocates they deserve. Animal love is not about hating people; it’s about loving animals.
Rode with carriage horse through central park yesterday. Driver and I had a long lively chat about Mayor trying to take stable land from both stables. We chatted about your extensive, supportive blogging. He was aware and very greatful.. The care and regulations are very much in place. Horses are shoed every 4-6 weeks depending on gait. Some have rubber shoes. Loved catching up .
Picture captures zip at his finest.. a beautiful independent cat that seems to pose for the camera or at least is aware of where the camera is. You are providing him with the best life .
Zip loves his life and you both. He looks content.
Yes, it feels very good..
Love this photo! Zip looks like a Disney villain! The dark side of the Zipster… 😉