Sue’s column will now appear on the blog on Thursday evening and, of course, into Friday. This way, more people will see it, and it’s one of the most popular things on the blog. Thanks so much for supporting her work. Sue is recovering from her medical issues and getting back to work. Her students and fellow teachers are keeping a close watch. Sue is intense and challenging, and the love her art students have for her is profound. Me, too. Jon.
News from the Art Room – Santa’s Elves and More
After a brief trip back to the hospital for an unexpected blip in the healing process (insert exaggerated sigh here), the art room is back in action and gearing up for lots of great art and holiday fun. Many boxes were waiting by my desk when I came in on Tuesday. I apologize for the delay in getting some thank you notes out. The students and I appreciate every item you have sent our way. We are so blessed to have such support. November has been a speck upside down.
We love love, love Christmas projects. The music is playing; the kids are creating and singing as they do. That is not to say other artwork is not happening, too. November and December go that way. If you have any holiday items you no longer need, we would be happy to put them to use! I have so many plans… Beaded trees strung from the ceiling, branch, and yarn trees, as well as a simulated department store window display—figure drawing with Santa and the Elves.
I want the kids to remember the moments. When I was in high school, my teacher used to get on the tables and jump up and down as she took pictures of the artwork we made. Her joy was infectious. It made us want to be better and learn more. The students and I have a running joke. I will say something positive about an epic failure in the art room. Something like, “I’ve never seen anything quite like this before…” The kids say, “Mrs. S., they taught you to say that in teacher school, didn’t they?” Things I tell them I got an A in teachers’ school do include finding the good in every project. Right up there with stain removal.
I have many to thank this week. You are unique and so kind as to support us!
Thank you to Marilyn from CA for the pillow stuffing.
Thank you to Andrea from MA for this week’s fun-filled box. I personally especially love your letters. I read them to the students. I spent the summer going to local sales, and the items are almost gone! Thank you!
Thank you to Barbara from NJ for the laces and jewelry. We’re sorry we took a bit to open the boxes in the past two weeks!
Thank you to whoever sent the two lovely winter coats, the box of fluff, and the snuggle blankets from Khol’s. All three are appreciated and anonymous donors.
Thank you to Eve for the super exciting box-try to imagine how much fun the clown noses are!
Thanks to Belle from CO for the jewelry!
We do our absolute best to put each item to the most creative use possible.
There are a vast variety of projects in the room right now. Some of that is because I have lost 5 class days this month. I cannot remember the last time I lost 5 days in a year, never mind a month. I am working on “Let go and let God.”
Charlotte and Marie-Chrissy have been working on their natural disaster project for weeks. Maria kindly brought those birch tree pieces from Bedlam Farms. Their goal was to show beauty destroyed by nature’s fury.
Lucas loves to draw characters, and he is particularly good at it! This week, the studio class needed to incorporate metal foil; he did an excellent job!
Maya has been working on her drawing skills since I met her three years ago. When I say working on her skills, I mean that in the most literal sense. Maya works extremely hard; her latest anatomical drawings are some of her best works ever!
Alanah has started working on the shutters (finally), and the results make her incredibly happy.
I love it when students catch on and see the value in a repurposed, discarded item!
Please accept our wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at NBBG. We are thankful for your contributions and could not do what we do without you.
No matter how you spend the day, know that you are appreciated more than words express.
If you have extra stuffing for pillows around the house, it goes fast during gift-making seasons! We always seek donations for anything you feel could be made into something new! Rolled gauze, wire, glassware, canvas, art supplies, heavy foil, pinecones, glue sticks, seashells, sea glass, bottle corks, sandpaper, and wood. Holiday Items!!!!!
I love hearing from you. My email is [email protected].
Have a blessed day!
2600 Albany Street
Schenectady, New York 12304
These posts are unreadable. Please stop those stupid drop caps at every paragraph. I feel like you’re showing off and screaming at us.
Jan these are Sue’s designs not mine. They are quite readable and her choice. Your message is obnoxious and rude. It’snothing but a scream. None of her many loyal readers have been unable to read her posts or complained about it. Her students love them. If you find them unreadable don’t read them and get some manners. Jon
P.S. oh yes, please get lost, I don’t want people like you reading my blog and Happy Thanksgiving to you.