20 November

Flower Art, New Horizons, Finding Myself? What Am I Trying To Do?

by Jon Katz

Tomorrow is Cambridge Food Pantry Thanksgiving Dinner Give-Way-Day. Thanks so much for your support. Today, I’m recovering from a wicked cold. I’m still a bit weary, but I’m getting more robust. Nothing seems to halt my flower photograph. Zip, my assistant, and I went over it together. See you in the morning.


As with other subjects in her oeuvre, O’Keeffe made some of these flowers the objects of a series of paintings, seeking to refine the motif in each fresh version. The series was a concept she pursued throughout her career and suggested a parallel with Japanese art, in which the same subject is similarly treated again and again in new variations, from various angles and at different times of the year…The magnification O’Keeffe introduces in her flower paintings is opposed to the format traditionally employed in flower still-life. Here, a close-up view of flowers, presented as if from the perspective of a butterfly or bee, can best be compared with close-up photographs such as the pictures of a waterlily taken by Edward Steichen ten years earlier…”  — O’Keeffe, Britta Benke






  1. Jon, I love your photo of Zip that leads this! Of course, I also like the flowers. You take really nice photos.

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