20 November

Beautiful Morning At Bedlam Farm. The Sky Says It All

by Jon Katz

I looked out the bedroom window at dawn and saw that rare and beautiful sky, the sun coming up and bouncing its light off of just the right clouds. This is rare, and I rushed outside with no shoes or clothes because I knew I only had a minute before the sun would rise over the clouds and turn them red or blue. I have been running out for a while now. I wanted you to see this before I left. It’s a good omen for me, a sign of good things.  I think Lulu was in awe of the sky as well. It was cold.

I hope you have a meaningful day.


  1. That is a gorgeous sky Jon! Surely meant to give joy and hope! Thank you for braving the morning cold to share it with us!

  2. Awesome, that you sacrificed shoes and clothes at a cold dawn to capture the ephemeral colors for us all. Thank you. I feel guilty I slept thru it.

  3. The poor animals must be traumatized by what they see!!! the only thing better would be a face plant and a nude roll in manure! LOL…

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