Calla Lilies are my favorite flowers to photograph. I bought two indoor kits with four plants that like light inside. They had already seduced me; I was in love. I took out all the photo guns today: the Leica mirrorless SLR, the Iphone Pro Max 16 camera, the 100 mmm macro lens, and the 205 macro lens. One of them will have to leave by the end of the month.
You might recall the war of the Calla spelling. My Dyslexia read it differently, and I kept writing Carra and not noticing the difference. This upset many people on Facebook, where minding other people’s business is a world sport, correcting people which is puffing up small people. I disclosed my Dyslexia (again), and the word police fled.
I never thought of doing this myself, but it is great fun. I was sensitive about my Dyslexia because most of my teachers in elementary school thought I was dumb and said so repeatedly. I’m out now, and it’s pretty liberating.
The Calla battles were distressing to me. I never liked being called stupid. Nobody had heard of Dyslexia back then. Sometimes, I get letters mixed up. I don’t always see them the way others do. Some new software has helped me with the problem.
I’m grateful to my Callas.
The spelling issue combined two of social media’s worst traits: minding other people’s business and cruelty. I finally learned to delete the stuff, and they went off to mind someone else’s business. This was a landmark event; my blog became a safer, more excellent place, and I became a safer, likable human. I have come to love the flowers.
I confessed that I didn’t care about the spelling; I was interested in the flower. At heart, I’m a photographer and writer, not a gardener. Reading a book on Georgia O’Keeffe, she said she always told people like that to get lost, and they did. So I did, and they did. I’m thrilled to have the Carra lilies back in front of my camera and spend the winter in the care of the Windowsill Gallery right in the morning sun. I will take good care of them and plant them in the bed in Spring. I have a wonderful gardener living with me, and I’ll keep a close eye on them. There are four.
I look forward to seeing you in the morning; I’m home all day.
Beautiful shapes and forms.
My favorite photos to photograph.
Zip is always there to sit with me when I take photos outside.
Stunning photos.
There’s an orange I like to buy – very juicy – I think it’s a carra carra, but maybe cara cara. Oh who cares anyway. They’re very good and now I’ll probably mix them up with your calla lilies!