27 October

Flower Art. Going To See A Georgia O’Keeffe Art Show In Boston. Very Excited. Maria Is Coming, She Never Misses A Museum. Back Tuesday.

by Jon Katz

I’m excited to see the Georgia O’Keeffe art show in  Boston; I’m bringing my monochrome camera, which I always use in museums. O’Keeffe has already taught me much, and I hope to learn more.

We’re leaving before dawn, arriving at the museum just after lunch, staying at a surprisingly inexpensive motel in Framingham, just out of Boston, and coming home right after breakfast on Tuesday. We wish we could stay longer, but farms need a lot of care and attention. I put up the Pantry food request (just below). We’re asking for juices—lemonade and Cranberry.

Please help if you can. I can get away, but hunger stays.

Happy Belly Cranberry Juice cocktail, plastic bottle, 64 fl. oz, Pack of 1, $2.61.

Lemonade from Concentrate, 64 Fl oz, $2.79.

I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. Thanks for all of your support.


You might remember the great Calla spelling scandal.

Old Roses die with dignity.

Witches Brew, Halloween


Birth of a baby rose.


  1. Enjoy the show! I’m really excited and happy for you and Maria. O’Keefe has always been one of my own all-time favorite artists. Getting to see a collection of her works in person is awesome. Have a fantastic time!

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