18 October

Sue Silverstein’s News From The Art Room. Exciting Art, Saving A Centipede

by Jon Katz

 Note: I knew Sue was a wonderful friend, a devoted teacher, and a gifted artist; I didn’t know how good a writer she was until she agreed to write this column every week from the dazzling art program at Bishop Gibbons High School in Schenectady, New York. She’s here every week, and I am so grateful. Thanks for supporting this remarkable and successful school are program. Your donations of discarded and forgotten objects are turning lots of gifted students into artists. Art, it turns out, is good for the soul. jon katz


News from the Art Room – Saving a Centipede

We had a visitor in class this morning. The heat is on because, although it is only mid-October, there was frost this morning. Sigh. I am an admitted daylight addict; dark, cold mornings are not my favorite. Possibly, the most enormous centipede I have ever seen paid us a visit, most likely driven out by the heat. Depending on the grade level, the reaction could be quite different to such a visit—anything from panic to hysteria.

I happened to have my exceptionally creative, gentle, souled studio art tenth-grade class, who were determined to “save the bug.” So, after a few exciting attempts, we trapped it in a paper cup and set it free outside. I am not a massive fan of crawly critters, but I spend my days teaching the power of love and kindness, so I could not just squash the bug and disregard its young life.

I need a gold teacher star for that one! The glamour is overwhelming. Stain removal, bug saving, sandwich making, broken heart mending, and art teaching all in one class period. Most teachers wear lots of hats.

Lisa from NH sent a box with warm things for the kids. Perfect timing with the current cold snap. It is the New York time of year when we experience all four seasons in one day—coats in the morning, sweaters at lunchtime, and shirt sleeves in the afternoon.

Karen from Rochester sent a wonderful collection of metals, wires, jewelry, and many remarkable things, including a pink glue gun, which was an instant hit.

According to the students, Laura from OH sent a “magic box” with each item more incredible than the last.

Marcia is bringing by some wood today. We are so blessed to have people willing to take the time and effort to support us and our art program.

Some of last year’s graduates have been visiting this week. Away at college, this was the first trip home for many of them. Isaiah, who you may remember as the creator of pajamas for his grandma, dropped off a carload of healthy snacks for the students. He has a huge heart, and I was deeply touched that he returned to do that. Whenever I help a student, I say, “You do this for someone else when you can.”

A lot of holiday art has been happening this week. Shading practice is so much fun when it is an eyeball in a jar. Placing a ghost in a famous work of art is fun, too. I always appreciate holiday items. The art club kids have learned to sew Halloween pillows!

The sculpture students are knee-deep in plaster, and the painters work on shades and shutters. The middle school is working on a joint project for Spanish, designing Quinceanera dresses and suits. They create beautiful costumes with fabrics, jewels, feathers, ribbons, buttons, and trims!

I am still seeking donations of everything you feel could be turned into art! Wire, gauze, plaster, shutters, glassware, paint, canvas, printing materials, maps, stamps, sandpaper, wood scraps, and all the other amazing things you can think of would be so helpful. If you are local and have smallish pieces of furniture you would like to see repurposed, we are always looking! The students love to make old things new! Holiday items are also great this time of year!


I love hearing from you. My email is [email protected]. 

Have a blessed day!



2600 Albany Street

Schenectady, New York 12304

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