8 October

The Adventure Continues. Photo Painting. Breaking New Ground, Kisses To The Ghost Of Ms. O’Keeffe, Her Genius Lives On

by Jon Katz

“Georgia O’Keeffe also showed her independence by painting what she wanted. Not that anybody tried to stop her from painting anything, but she went places that she wanted to go with nobody’s permission but her own. She painted what she wanted in the way she wanted. She didn’t care if it wasn’t the “right way” to paint. She knew her way was right, and nobody could convince her otherwise.”  — Weebly.

I went a bit crazy today. Call it an experiment binge.

Ken sent me a message yesterday about my spiritual explorations. He got right to the point:” You’re nuts.” He is not the first person to tell me that; I know it to be true. I always used the word “crazy,” but my shrink said it was too harsh. “Strange would do,” she said.

I’ve learned to avoid engaging or arguing with people who use odd punctuation or exclamation marks; it never goes well. It always feels that they don’t quite agree with what they wrote; they must add something.

But Ken had a point.

I’ve been reading a lot about Georgia O’Keeffe lately, and she was frequently called all kinds of names, from whore to faker to insane. She said she was happy to be crazy, as everyone she liked was crazy, and she rarely was comfortable with anyone who claimed to be sane.

She said they were boring. Bless her spirit and courage.

I thanked Ken for calling me nuts. If I’ve earned anything in my life, it’s that the so-called “sane” people are crazier than anyone. Look what they’ve done to our world.

Again, I shared a common value with O’Keeffe,  someone far out of my range who I admired. I am crazy, or “nuts,” as Ken put it, and I went crazy with experimentation with a tech-teacher friend who went on Light Room with me to help me get to the next level.

It was great fun and left me high as a kite. I did get to another level and have many more to go. I might even get crazier.

Please feel free to come along for the ride. It will be easier if you are a little strange, too. I can’t wait to share these pictures; thanks much. I think I’ve reached another place. I earned my position on the earth today; it’s time to check out. Thanks so much, Diane.

I hope to see you all tomorrow.












  1. Wow! these are all just gorgeous photos, Jon! Each and every one in its own way. And…..I hope the exchange from Ken was civil……there are worse things than being called *nuts*! I hope it was nuts in a good way! And PS……I’m really enjoying your recent experimentation with more black and white flower photos……. I am especially intrigued by them
    Susan M

  2. Jon, I am going to share something about Georgia Okeefe. She is thought to be a recluse, but she actually had a close relationship with a young man who came to work for her in NM. She had a whole staff of cooks, secretaries, housekeepers and others. But for the first time she was in charge. Her young friend traveled with her, spent her money, but she died in his house with his family. Not a bad situation–but depends on which bio you read.

    1. Thanks Ledge I’ve read all that, but I don’t really care about her personal life. It’s not my business.

  3. The photo of the red rose in full bloom could be a painting. Your expertise in flower photos is amazing—they make me want to go outside and absorb nature. Thanks so much for them.

  4. Wow, how rude! I really like your pictures. Jon, do you still work with the Mansion folks? I often think of them.

    1. Thanks Megan for your good words. I am not working at the Mansion right now as I have written a number of times. If there is any additional news I will share it in the blog. There is nothing further to say now and am honestly sorry, but I can’t individually update everyone who can’t or doesn’t wish to follow the blog. There is one of me and many of you. Thanks for caring. Any further news will be in the blog, as always. J

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