6 October

Beautiful Morning, October Light, Bedlam Farm Sunday, October 6, 2024

by Jon Katz

It’s photographers’ light, October light, the best light; we had a gorgeous combination of sun and mist. I had a wonderful day of thought, quiet, and rest yesterday. I’m taking Saturdays off from now on, and I’ll work Sunday mornings with my pictures and Flower Art and leave the afternoon and evening free.

The day was refreshing and revigorating for me. I felt great, easy and fresh, and full of ideas. My head is clear and sharp.

This morning, I’ll write about the beautiful morning, our urgent need for cereal for the pantry children and their backpacks (we need sixty-one boxes, details coming shortly), and then I plan a two-hour mediation out in the yard by the marsh. First, the farmer’s market. Then, more peace and quiet—no media, no phone, no computer.

Ishicar at breakfast.

Fate at work

Maria’s is talking wish Asher, removing burrs from his fur.

Moving manure, fertilizing the pasture.


Landscape, mountains in the mist

Kim, our shy ewe.

St Joseph in the morning sun. I felt its power from 30 feet away.



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