5 October

Today, A Day Of Silence, Meditation, Rest

by Jon Katz

I’ve been talking about needing rest for days, time to put my money where my mouth is; I haven’t had a day off in many months. My head is tired.

I need a day of silence and reflection, which did me so much good and transformed my life. Today is the day. I will be posting for the food pantry. The children of the pantry families need some help.

I won’t use devices, news, e-mail, work, or flower pictures (for the first time since April). I may continue this through tomorrow. I need some quiet and time to think.

I need a day off. Maria chewed me out last night for not being able to pause and take a deep breath. I needed to hear it. She reminded me that I need a day of rest once in a while. I recharge quickly and efficiently when I put my mind to it, which is what I need to do.

Creativity is demanding and fulfilling but also requires some room for thought.

Today’s only exception will be the food pantry’s appeal for help with its backpack program, which started Thursday. They need help getting two inexpensive things—Life Cereal and some oatmeal —for the backpacks for 61 children of food-deprived families to distribute to the high school. I’ll post that today and tomorrow, along with links.

This is important; those kids need those bags. Otherwise, I’ll see you tomorrow or Monday. I won’t be doing Flower Art today, which is hard for me to do but good for me to do. Thanks for sticking with me and understanding. Have a peaceful day yourself.


  1. There’s a guy called Jon who sometimes gives you some great advice. Glad you are going (to try) to take. And Maria also has your best interests at heart. Breathe my friend.

  2. Hoping the idea (and implementing it) of taking a day or TWO of rest……. will *take hold* and that you may do this regularly as you had previously planned to do. It *is* hard to stop sometimes….but I believe it is needed. Your body and soul will thank you for it. See you next Monday (get it?)
    Susan M

  3. I absolutely love and need silence. As someone who not only works with people professionally but also get bombarded by people when I’m out ALL! THE! BLASTED! TIME! Because I have a service dog (and Joey Goombop and his grandma plus her neighbors etc just have to say hello to the cuuuuuute doggy), I would rapidly lose it if I didn’t regularly retreat into silence and disconnect from most things. I’m so glad you’re taking this time off to recharge, and I’m glad Maria chewed you out… from a place of love.

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