4 October

Beautiful Morning At Bedlam Farm. Mist, Sunshine, Cold, Everything Is Changing For The Fall

by Jon Katz

I’m swamped with work today; good job, meaningful work. More later.

I love going out each morning to take beautiful morning photos. It is very beautiful here; photography can keep you on track if you let it. Every morning, when I wake up, I ask myself how I can capture the beauty in the world.

Thanks for your kind notes, they were always there but I focused instead on the mean ones. My bad.

First thing, Maria picks up an apple off of the ground, and Lulu is ready and waiting.

The Peaceable Kingdom is coming together here. Zinnia and Zip are besties, and Zip is at home anywhere in the pasture.


Fate, a border collie, embodies everything I’ve always admired about these dogs: their boundless enthusiasm, remarkable athleticism, unwavering determination, and unparalleled intelligence. They truly are a breed apart.

Maria’s nurturing spirit shines through as she rescues a tiny moth that had drowned in the animal feeder and was nearly lifeless. With a gentle touch, she revives it and sets it free, a testament to her compassion.

Manure move. Maria fertilizes our pasture all by herself and with no machines.


One of the flowers is hanging in my garden, and I noticed spider webs all around her.

Each morning, Maria enters the pasture with a bale of hay, her voice carrying a tune or the familiar call of the sheep’s names. It’s a daily ritual that speaks volumes about the unique bond she shares with her flock.

Asher is getting to be like one of the donkeys. He likes some attention in the morning.


  1. Jon, Gorgeous post and photos. Thanks so much for them! As a long time fan and follower I do believe that you may be entering a Boddhisatva state of mind.

    Please keep on rocking! We’re counting on you and Maria to help bring us back home together.

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