2 October

Beautiful Morning At Bedlam Farm, Wednesday, October 1, 2024. A Fall Morning, Come Along

by Jon Katz

I have my Zoom meeting this morning with blog readers who are now friends. I very much look forward to this experiment in humanizing social media. We always talk openly, and we never fight. Humanity lives inside all of us; it has been taken out of our civic life. Today is Woman’s Day at the Cambridge Food Pantry; we are hoping to fill a shelf with Tampons and Pads. I’ll post on that later this morning.

(Above, Zip and Maria. I never tire of seeing Maria and her love of our animals. I feel it but am not as good at showing it.)

Things are settling down a bit. I’ve decided to take a few half-days off to rest, but I am still deciding which. Thanks for all of your beautiful comments about the Beautiful Morning series. I love doing it, and thanks for the good words.


St. Jo calling up the sun.

I’ve decided to focus a bit more on Fate. She doesn’t always get the attention she deserves. She won’t herd the sheep, but she loves to run around them and looks beautiful doing it.

We are shoving manure and fertilizing our pastures.

Maria hauls the garbage and recycling to the curb every other week.

Asher has become the leader of the flock. Our bad boy has grown up.

Some hay every morning now.

Crab apples from the pasture fence out back. They are going to be apple sauce soon enough.


  1. I love all your photos, Jon, and they just keep evolving into better and better images. The flowers with their exposed souls are so incredibly beautiful. Having said that, I am pleased to hear that you are going to focus more on photographing Fate. As a lover and owner of three border collies, I never tire of seeing photographs of this wonderful breed. Your “Fate At Rest” series was beautiful and I am looking forward to seeing more photos of your extraordinary and beautiful dog. She has such grace in her movements as befits a true athlete!

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