28 September

My Spider Friend. I Call Him Sophocles

by Jon Katz

I wrote the other day about the spider I called Sophocles; I encountered him while taking a picture of the dead roses in an iron candle holder Maria uses to hold flowers. Ralph popped up to check me out, and for the first time in my life, I found myself chatting with a spider (I have severe responses to spider bites).

I’m not usually a big fan of spiders. I like this one.

Maria pointed out that whenever I come outside to talk with her, Sophocles emerges from his hiding place and presents himself. She says he never does this for her. I spoke to Ralph again and took another picture of him. He didn’t run or hide; I sensed he was posing. I noticed a tiny insect on his web; I suspected it might be lunch. You can see the bug in the net in the photo below.

I am trying to figure out what’s happening with Sophocles and me. I’m either going to make it or get sane. I never know what is happening other than me. Maria talks with insects and mushrooms and plants and flowers all the time. It’s new to me, and I like it. I like having a spider friend. I wish him well and put his iron home into the shade. Good hunting, I said. When I went inside, Maria said he had dropped out of sight.

I used to kill spiders when I caught them in the house, but I don’t do that anymore. If Maria’s around, I ask for her help. If not, I get a soft tissue and take the spiders outside. I notice Bud eats spiders when he catches them. Something was going on on the farm. I’m going to stay in touch with Sophocles. No, he’s not coming into the house.


  1. well…talking to a spider isn’t THAT weird, Jon! I’ve been talking to my friend, a beautiful blue spotted Western Fence Lizard, whom I’ve named *Albert*. Albert spends much time on my back porch rug sunning himself…and sipping water from a shallow dish I’ve been keeping there for him. I actually become concerned when I don’t see him for a few days….. he seems to have become accustomed to me and my voice……. so no…..of course we are not weird! We are just paying attention and *seeing*!
    Susan M

  2. Jon, I think that anyone who spends a great deal of time outside in nature, will naturally come to love and respect all creatures great and small. I will take a spider outside, shoo a fly to the door and let it out; I prefer natural deterrents rather than killing sprays or potions. My first thought is usually help them, not hurt them. I wasn’t always like this. I have become, from my own healing journey, less me and more we.

  3. I think it’s only natural that even the smallest creatures interact with us. They have to be aware of so much in their environment in order to survive. Most times we just don’t notice.This in no way minimizes what you experience with Sophocles. I think your experience photographing flowers in the manner you do, is perhaps opening your world in more ways any of us thought. Certain belief systems through the millenia blunted our awareness to these tiny beings and placed us at the Pinnacle of creation, teaching us they didn’t even have reason or souls. Once we re-align and focus , we learn differently. I think it a privilege that Sophocles has taken such an interest in you that he comes out of his vase when he knows you’re around. The more I think about it, the more interesting it becomes.

  4. I thoroughly enjoy your blog and read it in the morning instead of news! It’s great to know that there are many like-minded people. I too “talk to the animals”. Have a wonderful day. Suzanne

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