26 September

Good News For Maria. She Got The Car She Wanted. She Paid Cash, Will Owe Nothing. She Did It Right

by Jon Katz

After the crash, Maria decided to buy a car; independence was essential to her. I agreed. It seemed like a good idea after her car was totaled, but we both wanted to be independent and not depend on others, not in the country.

She went to two or three car dealers, drove a few cards, took notes, and spent hours online looking for cars on sale and researching the cards themselves. Last night, she said she had found the car she wanted at a price she could afford: a 2018 Ford Focus sedan.

I came along for moral support, but she didn’t need much. She was clear about what she wanted and didn’t want.

I let her speak; I just made conversation between questions for the young salesperson. I made a point not to dominate or interfere. It was her car, her call. I’ve learned what mansplaining is and don’t wish to do it. I was there for emotional support, not for my wisdom or experience. She was not looking for me to tell her what to do, just a friendly face to sit by and smile.

She found what she wanted, called up, and made an appointment. We went to the car dealer just before noon and left at 4 p.m., quite worn out. The paperwork is like buying a house.

Maria was looking for a modest car at a modest price so she could pay cash for it and not need to borrow any money. That was not easy; the cost of a used and new car was nearly twice what we remembered or expected. She determined at the outset to pay cash, but there were no loans.

Maria understood she had to do some detective work and get lucky; she spent a lot of time online looking at cars and reading reviews. She did her homework and got lucky. She didn’t wait for one to hit us on the head. She went out to find it. No wavering or “what-ifs”

2018 was a good year for Ford, and the Focus had some great reviews. It had low gas mileage and 40,000 road miles.

It was exactly what she wanted—she knew what to look for and knew when she found it. There was no drama, no agonizing, just a straightforward and quick decision. We’re driving to pick it up in the morning, bank check and all. There is no debt, nothing owed.

The car crash that totaled her car happened less than three weeks ago. That was good and quick work.

After her accident, she had a bumpy beginning but a good outcome. Sometimes, fortune finds you, and we have to see it. I was impressed. She is happy. So am I.


  1. This is such happy news! I lucked into a Ford Focus ( we called it the fuckus) and the green hornet lived forever! Congratulations on your new wheels.

  2. I had a Ford Focus wagon manual trans; retired at 320,000 miles only because of rust, otherwise I would still have it. They no longer make the wagon, much to my disappointment. I always said about the mileage that I went to the moon and was on the return trip. Good luck!

  3. Wow, this was great to read, Jon! Our friends had a Ford Focus that had more than a hundred thousand miles on it, went through 3 kids, and was still hanging on to the bitter end when something so big broke that it wasn’t worth the money to repair it. Kudos to you, Jon, for being there for Maria in the ways that she needed you to be.

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