23 September

Beautiful Morning, Monday, September 23, Cloudy, Chilly. Animals And Hope

by Jon Katz

There is a lot of raging debate about what emotions animals have and don’t have. The trend is for people to attribute all of their emotions to the animals they love,  which people seem to need to do. One emotion I know animals have is hope. They always hope for something – a meal, a treat, a walk, a toy, some attention. I see that every day on the farm.

They are the most hopeful of creatures, and I draw hope all the time just from living with them. They never give up. I don’t want to either.

Lulu hopes for a treat the second she finishes one. Fate never stops hoping someone will let her run around the sheep. Bud and Zinnia have become my meditation dogs. When I meditate, they meditate along with me (see below). And then there is Zip, hoping every second for a mouse, mole, or belly rub.


Hope: Apple just off the tree.

Hope: Please, can I run again?

Hope: I know an apple will fall if I wait here long enough.

Hope: I get to calm down with my human.


Hope. Feeding animals, taking a video.

Hope: I know you gave me several apples. I hope for some more.


  1. I really like the header photo for this post…..I assume this may be one of the windows in your barn………SO much going on…..aside from the colors and light……it’s one of those photos where each time I look at it, I see something I had missed before! Really, really nice!
    Susan M

  2. When my husband was dying of terminal cancer, in reality, (which was always there), we knew he wouldn’t make it; however, I noticed each day, there were always small moments of hope. Sometimes just a faint glimmer. I was keeping a journal, and wrote about it. I believe hope is something every living creature carries within them in some measure.

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