I only recently thought to capture the mornings at Bedlam Farm, but it’s a must now; they tell the story of the farm better than I could. And it ties me to the farm in ways that I sometimes am too busy to consider.
Thanks for the great response; I appreciate your kind words. Sometimes, I even have time to get dressed. Some days, I can even stomach watching the news.
Maria shares; she takes a bit and turns it over to Lulu.
Daily Manure Move
Landscape, cloud opening up.
Maria says the apples are sweet this year, and the animals agree. They each await their turn.
Fate is waiting for the call: “Get the sheep.”
Your photos of the farm, animals, and flowers bring such a sense of calm to this anxious mind. I’m grateful for that.
I’m grateful for the message, Maureen; thanks, we’ll get through all this.
Constance says it all.