18 September

Morning In Bedlam Farm. Post-Op Drs Visit, Got Up Before Dawn, Sweet Beginning To A Day

by Jon Katz

I had a beautiful start to today, a lovely morning.

I got up at 5 a.m., went downstairs, read, showered, and meditated. Maria came down around 7 a.m., and we went out to check on the animals, shovel manure, give the donkeys and sheep some apples, and give thanks to us, where we live, and what we do.

I might make getting up before dawn a regular thing, but I love lying in bed and talking to Maria. I would miss that.

I love watching the sun come up, and it was nice to be fully dressed.

I’ve got to go to the doctor’s this morning for a post-op check; it looks pretty good. I am again, and for the 100th time, going to see the world anew.

Maria is taking me out for breakfast before the doctor’s appointment to celebrate the end (almost) of the cataract process. I have to wait three more weeks before deciding whether to get reading glasses or whether I will ever need glasses again. I suspect I will need the reading or glasses that can do it all.

My eyes are still a bit of a mess; they are cleaning up.

I love the color I am seeing. I’ll be back to post on my blog, other things,  and on the Cambridge Pantry need list for today. Thanks for your support of that; it is miraculously wonderful.


Zip loves to get up with me in the morning and check out his world; he is the undisputed master.

The animals gather around the small apple tree to sucker Maria into pulling apples off the trees and giving everyone who wants one a fresh apple.


This image caught my eye. Kim.


Moving manure is a daily morning ritual. She is fertilizing the whole farm, bit by bit.


Zip is the cat of a thousand hiding places. He has too many hiding places to count now; he is


At home on Bedlam Farm, the King of The Barn Cats.



Zip has no trouble finding food, but we have a styrofoam cooler stuffed with stra ready for him if he wants it. I am learning that he prefers to sleep outside, even in cold weather. We’ll see. We feed him twice a day, in the morning and evening. He rarely eats all of it. He did today.


  1. Do what the doctor suggests, of course, but it might be good to have reading glasses, just in case. They’ll help relieve your eyes after spending the time you do looking into the computer screen so much. You are going to REALLY enjoy the colors now, especially your beautiful flowers—thank you for those!

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