17 September

Surgery Went Okay, But I Think My Clothes Modeling Career Might Be Over

by Jon Katz

I had my second cataract surgery very early this morning. Maria and I are both wiped, and my eyes are so dilated I can’t quite see across the room. I can blog a bit, moving my  shield and patches, but I have been severely cautioned to let my eyes rest today. So I will.

An understanding man, Dr. Solomon, says some blogging is okay. So, I will do a bit, mainly this message and my commitment to posting another support blog for the Cambridge Food Pantry. That is not negotiable.

The surgery was longer, messier, uncomfortable, and longer than the first one, but it all turned out fine. I learned they don’t even put a needle in anybody’s eye; they use suction cups to remove the cloudy lens and a plastic one. It did hurt a little, but it was well worth it. And quite beautiful to see. I asked the nurse if they had videos, but she just looked at me strangely and walked away, mumbling. I’m glad I didn’t hear what she said.

I’m excited to return to the doctor’s tomorrow, get the yellow cover off my eye, and see the world anew.

As always, Maria is taking great care of me while negotiating with the insurance company for repairs on her much-loved car, which got rear-ended over the weekend. She promised to get me a bag of cheddar cheese popcorn if I rested a lot. It’s a deal. I am exhausted. I couldn’t sleep last night.

I’m resting until my eye clears up and then back to returning to my NFL football team for the weekend. My clothes modeling career is over.


  1. Glad both surgeries are behind you, Jon! I am sorry this one was more uncomfortable than the previous one. It’s hard for me to fathom how early you had to be there. It makes me wonder what time the doctors have to get up to be alert and able to do such intricate and precise procedures! You can probably tell I am not a morning person!! Hope your recovery goes well and that are quickly back to seeing your lovely flowers with two renewed eyes!

  2. I was ecstatic to get the first one, and more than pleased to see clear out of one eye. When the second on was complete, the following day, I felt as though I had been nearly blind, and given the gift of sight again.
    No longer did my whites look yellow, and everything was bright and beautiful.
    I hope you get results as good as I have been blessed with, I feel like a new person.

  3. Happy to hear your surgery went well.
    Rest , heal and take good care! Don’t over do!
    Maria back to her ‘nursing’ duties. Don’t be too hard on her!
    Sorry to hear about her car.

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