17 September

Please Help, It’s Important: Family Hygiene Day At The Cambridge Food Pantry: Shampoos, $1.59, $2.38, $1.99, Hand Soap, $7.44, Body Wash, Pack of 6, $17.82

by Jon Katz

Sarah is eager to restock her shelves with shampoos and body wash for the pantry families, but especially for their children. The pantry is out of these items and can’t get them from their usual suppliers.

As we enter the back-to-school season, it’s crucial to remember that children’s self-esteem is closely tied to their hygiene.

(The above photo is of the Army Of Good. Thanks for the salad dressing; they are on the shelves!)

They need and want to be clean when they face their teachers and other students. The absence of these products can make life painful for pantry children, especially if they don’t appear clean.

We didn’t get any hygiene products from the Regional Food Bank recently,” Sarah told me today. “None is available. Any help would be appreciated.” I could hear the urgency in her voice.

Sarah cares.

Children can be cruel to the children of pantry families, who often feel shamed. In most households, shampoo and body wash are taken for granted.

In some families I’ve met, it’s shampoo or food, not both,  and the same goes for body wash. Your contribution can make a significant difference in their lives. I hope we can help.

We found remarkably inexpensive shampoos and some slightly more expensive body soaps. Please look at the items below and see if you can help. It will be greatly appreciated, and it’s good for Sarah to think of this, something most food pantries cannot or won’t do.

Sarah is determined to help the Cambridge Food Pantry become one of the best in the United States. My mission is to support her in any way I can.

The Army Of Good is making these dreams come true.

I’ve added a couple of my requests as well.



Sarah’s Hygiene Items for Today, Tuesday:

Dove fortifying shampoo for fresh, clean, normal to oily hair with caffeine thinner and freshener is $1,59.

Alberta  O 5, Moisturizing and Hydrating Shampoo, Long Lasting Fragrance, 15 Oz,  $2.38.

Softsoap Moisturizing Liquid Hand Soap, Milk And Honey, 7.5 Fl Oz, Pack of 6, $7.44.

Suave Moisturizing Body Wash, Cocoa Butter, and Shea With Vitamin E Extract, 18 Oz, pack of 6, $17.82.


Please feel free to browse the Cambridge Pantry Amazon Food Wish List anytime, day or night, and choose any of the items you decide to send. All of the wish list items are things the pantry can’t get but that their patrons want very much.

You can access the wish list day or night by clicking the green button below any blog post.


Plus My Special Offer Choices:

Family Guard Brand Disinfectant Spray Trigger & Multiple Surface Cleaner, Antibacterial Spray, Made For Houses With Children And Pets,  $4.38.

Amazon Fresh, Condensed Tomato Soup, 10.75 Oz, $0.08.

Hormel, Canned Ham, Smoked 5 Oz, Pack of 12, $22.95.

(This item is expensive but is a most loved delicacy among families. A pack of 12 will often give a family a nourishing dinner for quite a while.)


Shelves full of Ramen, thanks to you. These arrived yesterday.


  1. Growing up in a family that often times couldn’t afford hygiene products all the time especially shampoo and deodorant I understand the dilemma these kids face. It is true that kids can be very cruel to those that are different and now with social media access it’s so hard for kids to get away from the bullying. Sarah is an angel and I know the families so appreciate the Cambridge Food Pantry. I’m glad to be able to help in a small way.

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