16 September

“Not Going Back” Potholders Coming Out. I Think She Means It

by Jon Katz

Maria is politically and personally fired up by the idea of “Not Going Back. ” Not going back has much meaning for her; she is on a creative tear this week.

She made one beautiful quilt, which sold as soon as it was finished; she got 50 magnets, which sold out in hours (more are on the way), and she’s excited about her potholders; she’s hand crafting each one with a lot of thought and precision sewing.

She plans to make at least a dozen “Not Going Back” potholders this week – probably more knowing her.

They will cost $30 plus shipping. She is accepting pre-orders: if you are interested, contact her at [email protected].



Her magnets are sold out, but more are on the way. They will be available only on her Etsy shop.

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