16 September

Flower Art, Monday, September 16, 2024. Chasing Color. Surgery Tomorrow. All The Better To See…

by Jon Katz

“Someone else’s vision will never be as good as your own vision of yourself. Live and die with it ’cause, in the end, it’s all you have. Lose it, and you lose yourself and everything else. I should have listened to myself.” – Georgia O’Keeffe.


Tomorrow at 6:45 a.m., I’m giving my second eye a new and artificial lens, one of those tech miracles we take for granted but which amaze me.

I won’t be online in the morning, and I can’t say I’ll be able to do flower art in the afternoon or evening. I’m not sure how my eye will handle the first day,  so the doctor suggests backing  off and giving it a rest. I always plan to do that, but I rarely do.

We’ll see if I can control myself. Maria will be with me all morning, she’ll be able to blog if she wants to. And I’ll let everyone know what’s happening.

Thanks for your support of my work; I appreciate it.

In the meantime, here’s today’s Flower art. See you on the other side.






  1. You *could* skip your flower art for a day or two, Jon…..to give your second new eye time to rest! We will all still be here! Wishing you well………. and will look forward to your return post surgery!
    Susan M

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