16 September

Beautiful Morning, Monday, December 16, 2024. Surgery Tomorrow – Early!

by Jon Katz

My cataract surgery is tomorrow at 6:30 a.m.; I’m almost always up then, anyway. It is another beautiful Fall day, and it is nice to know they still exist.

Life is complex in America. Maria’s car accident seemed like a fender bumper, but the damage was already up to $7,000, and they weren’t done. We hope the car isn’t totaled; we’ll see shortly.

I guess there is no such thing as “just a fender bumper” any longer.

Zip loves to clime the smaller apple tree and annoy the sheep. A perfect hiding place for him.

Lulu and Fanny

Daily manure move.


The Bedlam Pied Piper brings the sheep back from grazing all night. In a few weeks, we’ll be feeding hay again.


Kim tries to scare Zip out of the pasture. Zip backs up, then holds his ground. He’s not running anywhere; he is the King.


Ambushing Zinnia. Zip loves to jump out and surprise her, which is not difficult—the two love to play with each other now. Zip doesn’t know that Zinnia is much larger than he is.

Strawberry flowers in the morning light.


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