13 September

I Love The Way Maria Uses Art To Speak Her Mind. Next Up, A “Not Going Back’ Magnet, On The Way

by Jon Katz

Maria and I both share a common thread when it comes to politics. We don’t argue about it, or whine about it, or get frightened or depressed by it. Pain is inevitable; suffering is a choice. We are not especially political; we don’t live for the Red or Blue life.

Sometimes, I am conservative, liberal, or progressive. I hate labeling and reject it. Maria speaks through her art the way I speak through my blog and photographs. Politics is personal for both of us; we don’t need to shout our values to the sky; they are no one else’s business but ours.

But we care about our country and speak our minds in different ways. She speaks through her art, and I speak through my blog. I love her rare but special political art.

She has made a beautiful “No Going Back” quilt and is working on some “No Going Back Potholders.” Today, she designed and ordered some “Not Going Back” refrigerator magnets, which are on their way.

I love and respect her, and we support one another in every possible way. I have learned that the secret of love is caring for someone else more than I care for myself. It took me a long time to do that. I think Maria’s plan is to sell these on Etsy, but she usually reserves things for people who ask her: [email protected].


  1. That tea party set piece reminds me of ASCII art. A very codified, narrowly defined medium that still allows amazing expression and innovation.

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