8 September

Flower Art. Wild, Wild Sunflowers, Safari Sunset, Flower Sculpture, Emotions All Their Own. A Scare.

by Jon Katz

My friend Wendy told me that the gorgeous flower I’ve been posting is commonly called Safari Sunset in the Leucadendron Protea family. I could barely pronounce it, let alone spell it.

I’m going to end tonight and give thanks that Maria escaped serious injury when her car was struck from behind in a crash this afternoon and spun across a busy highway with oncoming traffic.

It was just down the road, I got there quickly,  there were two ambulances, a firetruck and a police car, flashing lights everywhere.

And Maria standing in the road smiling to show me she was all right. I started to breathe again.

The dogs were with her; neither she nor they were injured. Her car was.

I will spend some serious time this afternoon giving thanks for this. Yes, it could have been so much worse; we are keenly aware of that. Life has its own agenda. She’s okay; we are both a bit in shock.









  1. what a frightening experience for Maria and for you. So glad she is OK (and the dogs too)……. the car can be repaired or replaced……..but not Maria! Always very shocking to have a close call……. too close. I trust you will all be having a quiet and reflective evening which is well deserved and much needed! Hugs being *sent* to you both.
    Susan M

  2. Susan M just put it best, no need to reiterate! I’m very pleased that Maria and the pups weren’t injured. I hope it stays that way … Maria should listen closely to her body over the next few upcoming days. Bask in your blessings tonight, very scary indeed.

  3. Your beautiful photograph of the Safari Sunset flower brought back good memories of when I lived in South Africa. When I went hiking in the hills that surrounded my home I would often find Protea flowers growing wild on the hillsides. They come in a wide variety of colors and shapes.

  4. First, I must say your flower photos have reached such a wonderful depth and beauty. I’m grateful too that the accident wasn’t worse. How very scary for all of you. Deep breaths….such a wonder, our delicate and fragile life.

  5. Just reading about your close call is a reminder to me that every day is a GIFT! And there is nothing like to close call to bring that to our attention. So thankful Maria, and your dogs, are OK.

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