8 September

Bedlam Photo Journal: Making The Sunday Rounds: Food, Community, Art, Mushroom Tea, Fish, Bread, Pumpkins, Vegetables, Gladiolas, Friends

by Jon Katz

I’ve come to love our Sunday morning run-a-rounds, one farm after another, the farmer’s market. They are about what we eat, but more than that, they are about the community we have come to love and appreciate, the friends we have made, and the food we are eating.

I decided to do a photo journal, capturing as many of our rounds as possible with my monochrome camera, which I sometimes neglect. First, Bernard Farms, then the Farmer’s Market, a place we love.

(P.S. We had a good scare today around one p.m.; Maria was driving with the dogs to take them for a walk in the woods, and a speeding car plowed into her from the rear. Her car was spun into the opposite lane – the driver was distracted. Maria was not hurt, but the car suffered some damage. We are so grateful; it could easily have been so much worse. That is a phone call I don’t want to get, and nobody else ever wants to get. I’m glad to know I can move fast when needed.)

It is good to be reminded of how many good things there are to eat, how art has entered the farmer’s market and the presentation of tomatoes and apples, how many friends we have made.

One thing I’ve learned is that farmers are artists, after all, and community is precious.

Come along if you wish, it’s for you. Above, tomatoes at Bernard farms. I’m learning that vegetable farmers are often artists, too; they know how to present their vegetables most creatively.

Wolf spider in the market door.

Vegetables for the week.

Melons for sale.

Edwin is at the farmer’s market on the first chilly day.

The Adirondack Fish People, a weekly blessing for the Cambridge Farmer’s Market. I got some crab cake patties. I’d mention their names, but I can’t remember all three, so I call them the Fish People. They are good friends.

One of our dearest friends, Katie, works weekends to help sell mushrooms and mushroom tea at the farmer’s market. Her dance group is planning a bunch of Halloween Witch dances. We’ll be there.

We made friends with Cindy (the crazy goat lady) and the maker of the best soap I’ve ever seen or used. (CazAcres Farm).  They may have signed up a new distributor for her soap, which sells like crazy. I bet she goes national one day. She is a great friend. She makes a wicked bar of soap. Did I mention that?

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