6 September

Beautiful Day At Bedlam Farm, Friday, September 6, 2024. Apples All Over The Place, The Sun Breaks Through The Mist, Zip Meditates. Come Along With Us

by Jon Katz

Good news this week. Sue Silverstein’s art supply Wish List was an instant success, and yesterday, the Army of Good broke all records for a one-time shipping at the Cambridge Food Pantry; the tomato shelves will be full.  I’ll post about this shortly, and I can’t thank you enough.

When Zip wakes up, he contemplates his day, usually with a donkey nearby. It looks like he’s meditating.

Manure moving.

Lulu in the mist.

We are eating an awful lot of apple sauce.

We got our last delivery of wood for the stoves this winter, $225 a cord; we got one more cord, and Maria will do the stacking.

More apples in the pasture. It was a good year for the apple trees. The sheep have come to love them. Maria is intensely famous with them now.

Tossing apples fresh off the tree

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