4 September

Flower Art, Beauty And Peace On An Endlessly Busy Day. God Bless Flowers And Light. Mutual Harmony…

by Jon Katz

It is as if O’Keeffe, by lending flowers, mountains, cloud formations, and water the “design” underlying all things, draws closer to the secret which might be described as the unity of Creation, the mutual harmony of all beings.” — Britta Benke, “O’Keeffe.”


See you all tomorrow. Today is getting away from me. I’ve got to catch up.








  1. Of all the fascinating and endlessly beautiful flower photos here and in the past , the second one on this page especially captured me. I couldn’t leave. It was like you had caught them at some special moment in their lives , they were perhaps celebrating something. I just can’t put it to words. I thought maybe fairies had been congregating , and when they saw you , had quickly changed to these flowers. I think it says a lot when someone’s art can transport a person to a whole new world like that.

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