3 September

Sue Silverstein’s Bishop Gibbons Amazon Wish List For Art Supplies. Only One Item Left (Out of 24) And The Wish List Wasn’t Even Officially Up Yet

by Jon Katz
Good News: Sue’s Wish List Sold Out This Morning. Thank You. Sue sent this message out a few minutes ago. No one ever earned it more:
“I want to sincerely thank everyone who came through for us yet again. I am in absolute awe and humbled by the response. Thank you, thank you! Not only from me, but from all the art students as well. We are truly blessed by kindness and love.”
Note: I posted a sneak peek of Sue Silverstein’s Wish List on my blog at 9 p.m. last night. When I checked it at midnight, it was over half gone. I rechecked it this morning, and there is just one item left: Plaster Cloth Rolls, Plaster Gauge Bandages, Rolls, Wrap Strips For Secretary Molds, Masking Art Project Body Casts, $22.99. (One is sold, she needs two more.)
When I posted the sneak peek, there were 24 items. It was meant to give Sue’s many followers and fans a chance to help her with her fantastic art projects at Bishop Gibbons High School. They always complain it’s gone before they can get to it, and they have a good point. I did the best I could.
Sue’s impact is profound. With 80 students in several different classes, she has, as usual, done a brilliant job of inspiring them and affirming their work. (She writes a column on this blog every Friday morning.)
Thanks so much for your support. This Wish List is just about over before it even began. It’s a beautiful cause, and Sue is a lovely human and role model; I call her Saint Sue.
If the single item is still up (it won’t be long), you can buy it or Sue and her art program by clicking the link below. And thanks, as always, for supporting one of America’s best (and few) student art programs. Congratulations once more, Sue, you are the best and my bestest friend- Jon Katz.

News from the Art Room –Back to School! Sue Silverstein

Back to school! September already! It seems complicated to believe; it was June 5 minutes ago, right? I was putting some finishing touches on the room today. Over the summer, I spent a lot of time trying to create systems to make things easy to find and organize. We do so many diverse types of work, and for that concept to work, things must be easy to find. I tell the students that if they do not put it back where it belongs, we will not be able to see it next time.

As the beautiful donations arrived over the break, I placed things on my desk that I knew the students would love. They look in that spot as soon as they come in and see what is new. There is quite a collection of treasures right now.

We have saved so much paint from the landfill. I want to get going on a large mural this year.

There is something special in a new box of markers or crayons. A sort of expectation or anticipation. It is lovely, with perfect colors and that new crayon smell. I am not a car person. If it starts, I will be happy. I can equate the new car smell to the new crayon smell. It brings me back to third grade when Sister Emmanuel hung up my drawings behind her desk. It is a large part of why I teach art. She made me feel they were unique, and I wanted to do that for other young artists.

Soon, I will have pictures of new artwork to share.

Jon has offered to let us post a wish list this week to include what we need to complete the program. We are so grateful for any help and forever thankful for the kind thoughts and good wishes. It makes a difference.

I am still seeking donations of everything you feel could be turned into art! Wire, gauze, plaster, shutters, glassware, paint, canvas, printing materials, maps, stamps, sandpaper, wood scraps, and all the other amazing things you can think of would be so helpful. If you are local and have smallish pieces of furniture you would like to see repurposed, we are always looking! The students love to make old things new!

I love hearing from you. My email is [email protected]. 

Have a blessed day!



2600 Albany Street

Schenectady, New York 12304

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