2 September

Beautiful Morning, Bedlam Farm, Monday, September , 2024. Flower Bombs, Manure, Zips’s Hideaway, Talking To A Standoffish ish Sheep

by Jon Katz

The big news for me this Labor Day is the Flower Bomb, something new I’m trying in my flower photographer.

I’ll post some of the first Flower Bomb Photos in my Flower Art Post this afternoon. This is a new experiment for me, and an exciting one.  Check it out; I hope you like it.

I’m not sick any more; I’m full of myself and a bunch of ideas. It’s been hot in the afternoons but beautiful in the morning.

When I moved upstate to the New York countryside, I’d be wearing sweaters and jackets by now, but our world has changed along with everyone else’s, and we are changing with it.

Complaining does no good, although I am surprised that even after millions of people have lost their homes to flood, fire, and storms, the agony of the earth isn’t a big issue in our presidential campaign. Americans are more worried about money than anything.

I’m determined to appreciate every day in which I live.

Asher, under the apple tree

Lulu in her safe place


Zip in one of his many hideaways, all the better to surprise mice.

A beautiful landscape this morning, mist on the mountains.

Maria hauls the manure all over the farm to spread it for the grass next year.

This afternoon, something new, my idea of a flower bomb, I’ll share it in my Flower Art post.

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