2 September

Afternoon, Labor Day, Bedlam Farm. Zip The Charmer, New Quilt For The Living Room

by Jon Katz

Merricat has ignored Zip ever since he arrived. He’s figured out how to make friends with the sheep; he stands outside the fence – he knows exactly how to use a wall – and sniffs noses until they know his smell. Smell is how sheep tell each other apart and know one another.

Now Merricat knows Zip, and Zip knows Merricate. He is clever and relentless in making friends on the farm.  There is only one sheep left who doesn’t like Zip, Constance, she tries to butt him and run him off, but he’s too fast for her.

He’s very sweet and friendly if you’re not a mouse, rat, or chipmunk. He’ll win her over.

With her keen eye for aesthetics, Maria, the Bedlam Farm curator,  decided to replace the blue quilt hanging over the desk for years.

She then carefully selected a beautiful vintage quilt that someone had sent her years ago and hung it on the living room wall above where the fish tank used to be, adding a touch of beauty to the farm.

She hops up and down like a monkey, barefoot and sure-footed. She pinned the new quilt up and then hopped down.

She hung one of her sculptures right below it. No ladders.



Still life. I put my camera on the table, and the shutter took this picture. It reminded me of an old Hopper painting. Some of the most interesting pictures are the ones you never meant to take.


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