29 August

Beautiful Morning, Bedlam Farm, Thursday, August 29, 2004. Calendar Cat, Animal Love, Bright Sun, Donkey Love, Zinnia’s Pal

by Jon Katz

Another beautiful day, another walk around the farm with Maria early in the morning. The peaceable kingdom was all around us. Zip taunted Maria to play, and donkeys royally waited for their brushing and apples,  chewing cud. Zip got to insert himself in the photo above.



I was resting from a night of grazing.

Zip always tries to get Zinnia to play by snotting her in the nose. Zinnia closes her eyes.


Maria is in her garden bed.

Zip at the feeding tub.


Our neighbors, the green gardens.

Firewood stacked; one more cord to go.

Daily donkey brush. They love it. In donkey language, this is the way love is shown and felt.


  1. And Fate is there, too, waiting for his command to “Get the sheep!” What a wonderful existence all of you have in that lovely farm in idyllic upstate New York. Thank you for sharing all of it with us.

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