27 August

Flower Art, In Honor Of My Renovating Eyes, One Gorgeous Gladiola, And My New Lens. I Want To Keep Getting Better.

by Jon Katz

It’s not enough to be nice in life. You’ve got to  have nerve…

– Georgia O’Keeffe.

I couldn’t go outside for most of the day. I had to wait until the sun was nearly gone before testing my one refurbished eye, which was still covered in a shield until tomorrow. I can see that the surgery was a great success; the new eye, if I can call that, is seeing rich and deep color, which is a great surprise and gift to me. I can’t wait for the other eye to get his chance.

The sun was still blinding, but the color was rich and beautiful. I promised I’d post and blog every day, and I will.

It was a more exhausting day than I expected, but I never expected to get exhausted, a trait I need to get past at 77.

With the new lens, I’m trying to take some still photos of flowers, especially those as beautiful as the gladiolas. It gives them some space and dignity. The 50 mm is perfect for that, not for the closeups the macro lenses can do. It’s a promising debut.



I was also pleased to take out my new (old) 50 mm lens to start experimenting with it. This is my first time using it on flowers, and I chose a beautiful gladiola for the experiment. I love the color and detail on this lens; this excursion was successful. I’ve got to see the surgeon again in the morning to ensure the surgery went well; so far, so good.

It’s still a bit fuzzy, but that could be the eye drops I plopped in while I slept. I’ll be home around noon tomorrow and hope to get to the food pantry before the patrons arrive. It’s their busiest day.

Maria is an angel for driving me around; I hope she doesn’t get sick of it. If she does, she hides it generously and graciously.











  1. Happy you are pleased with your new eye! I just today finished the month-long drops in my second eye! It is great and a gift to be able to see so well again! Your flower photos are getting more and more beautiful! Thank you so much for posting your art for us all to enjoy!!

  2. The red glad is stunning, Jon, seems a few of us think that way. My mom said that after her cataract surgery, she saw that the type in a newspaper was black, she thought it was gray! So glad that you can already enjoy the benefits of surgery. I LOVE that you do not expect to be exhausted, Jon. You’re just out in the world, doing things, rather than rigidly curating your time to avoid getting tired!

  3. Incredible photos. I am still catching my breath from the first one. So glad to hear how well it went with your eyes.

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