There are two kinds of misty mornings: fog, which lasts, and mist, which is quickly burned off by the sun.
This morning, we had the fog, which is my favorite. I used to run outside naked to catch the mist before it burned off; now, I use a bathrobe. The Amish go by in their cards early in the morning; their daughters go shopping; they don’t need to see me naked. Nobody does, not at that hour.
The farm is soft and gentle; even Maria’s daily manure shovels out of the barn.
I love taking pictures in the mist; everything stands out, and the farm feels especially sweet and beautiful. For those of you who can’t be here, a Photo Journal, I hope you like it.
Thank you so much, Jon, I love Love, LOVE your photos of mornings on Bedlam Farm. They leave me feeling so peaceful, as if I was briefly transported there to breathe it all in and see Maria and all the animals going about their morning routines and communion. Such a wonderful antidote to the stressful headlines and events going on around us, Please, keep on keepin’ on! With affection from the northern California redwoods…
Thanks Linda..
Thanks Linda very much