25 August

Finally, I Got My Patch. The Surgery Comes Next

by Jon Katz

I have cataract surgery on Tuesday, and for some reason, I got obsessed with wearing a patch over my right eye. I’ve always fantasized (when I was younger) about the pirate vibe and the Jewish pirate, a legend in the Caribbean. My grandmother, refugee from the Ukraine refused to believe it was possible .

I even have a tattoo of the tombstone of world’s most famous (or infamous) Jewish Pirate on my right arm.

His name was Moses Cohen Henriques, and he is best known for leading the only successful capture of a Spanish treasure fleet.

He talked the captain into surrendering without a shot or a drop of blood, released all of the Spanish crew and  brought them to safety , and retired to work as a consultant to other pirates in the Caribbean, and did well. He lived to be quite old.

 That, I thought, was the way to do it.

There was also a Jewish pirate named Abraham Blauvelt, after whom several towns in Nicaragua are named  and an unknown number of others who fled persecution in Europe to make a living.

I didn’t know what the doctors at the surgery will want to put over my right eye Tuesday, the first eye to be operated on, so I decided to call the drugstore and ask if they had patches.  I want my patch, one way or another.

To my surprise, they did, so I rushed to get one. I hope the doctors give me one after the operation, or at least let me wear mine.

Zinnia was a bit unnerved by it, but Maria was still laughing. She said I was funny, that I am just a kid at heart.

She took this photo. See you, Mates… and best to you, Moses…My grandmother would not have approved. Sorry, Grandma. There were things inside of me that even you couldn’t see.


  1. Sorry Jon, you won’t get an eye patch like the one you bought. I got a plastic eye piece to tape over the eye when sleeping. I didn’t look like a pirate. Wait until you see how bright colors are with your new eyes.

    1. I wouldn’t take it so seriously, Nancy; it’s already fun; I don’t really need to look like a pirate.Nothing to be sorry about.

  2. LOL Jon! It suits you well…… though I believe often times these days, it is usually not needed post surgery? From what some friends have experienced …..they are *just* give clear protective shields! I almost *do* hope you will be able to don your patch, though! Quite a fetching look!
    Susan M

  3. I think the patch gives you a hint of the mysterious.
    I quite often wear a patch over my left eye, which has gone blind and cannot be repaired.
    The doctor told me that wearing the patch would help my right eye to see more clearly
    The patches come in colors too–did you know? I have a “wardrobe” of them.
    Have fun with yours.

  4. LOVE the eye patch, Jon! Makes you look sinister! If we can’t have some fun, then life is just a vale of tears. Pirate away!

  5. Wow. No one wears it like you. Also I loved reading about the Jewish Pirates. I was fascinated to hear one was a consultant to other pirates!

  6. Go you with the eye patch! Looks great on you! I’m part of the group who had the big, clear eye protectors after my Lasik surgery years ago…looked like a giant fly. I like the patch idea better. 🙂

  7. I was given a pair of dark, wrap around sun glasses to wear after surgery. Also, received the shield to wear at night for a few nights. I need sunglasses anytime I go outside as the bright sunshine causes my eyes to hurt and eventually I will get a headache. The surgery was simple. It took about ten minutes and I was able to go home immediatly after surgery.

    1. I’m told that every person is different and responds differently, but that’s a pretty good description I think

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