24 August

Flower Art For Sunday, August 24, 2024. . The Ghosts Of Georgia O’Keeffe. If Flowers Get Close Or Big, People See them

by Jon Katz

When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it’s your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else. Most people in the city rush around, so they have no time to look at a flower. ” – Georgia O’Keeffe.

I’m no Georgia O’Keeffe, but I also go close and large so people will look and spend time seeing a flower. It has undoubtedly changed my life, and hopefully, yours a bit. Outside, there is a lot of fear and horror; inside a flower, it’s all beauty.

I never looked at flowers before, but now I look at them all the time. I stick my face and camera lens into them.

See you Sunday morning.








  1. Wow, this post is just bursting with beauty……each and every flower photo just gorgeous. Thank you! Happy Sabbath to you!
    Susan M

  2. I love all of your photos today but there is something incredibly special about the first two flower photos. They are so very soft and beautiful, but if I didn’t know that they were photos I would think that they were created by an artist working in some sort of chalk or perhaps watercolors. Wondering if they were taken with your new lens? I feel so blessed to be able to see your photos everyday. Thank you so much for taking and sharing your heart and your art.

  3. These are extraordinary. how you get so much movement and energy in these photos is beyond anything I’ve ever seen. And the COLORS…the colors !

  4. These captures are just magical, Jon. When I first began taking photos, decades ago, I fell right into the ‘shooting close and large’ in homage to Georgia O’Keefe. Poppies were my favorite, but I’ve fallen in love with all flowers and I am so happy to see you doing the same. Keep on shooting! 💙

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