22 August

Thursday Morning, Bedlam Farm, August 22, 2024. Cloudly, Gloomy, Sunny, Fascinating

by Jon Katz

Above, Zip took another shot at Alvin the chipmunk today. He didn’t get far; Alvin was squeaking at him on the other side of the stonewall. Alvin has his number. I think Zip is losing interest and is accepting defeat.



Maria and her bouquet of the day.

Zinnia had stomach troubles from the manure and was wolfing down in the pasture. She’s been given a couple of days off.


Unlike dogs, the donkeys wait patiently and quietly for their apples to come out of the tree or be brought to her by me or Maria. They don’t complain or make a fuss; they wait.


I was meditating on the hill.

Waiting, just waiting…


Intimations of Fall.


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