21 August

Let’s Make Some Families Feel Joy And Smile. Down To Basics At The Cambridge Food Pantry: Grated Parmesan Cheese Shaker, $2.96, Diced Canned Potatoes, $20.28 For 12 Cans

by Jon Katz

Today, we’re going back to basics: Parmesan cheese and a favorite: freshly cut diced canned potatoes. This food pantry stands out by not simply accepting what is given to it by government food banks; it tries to find out what people really want and what they miss.

The government doesn’t consider that. Your support makes it possible for us to do it.

Importantly, it’s about dignity and keeping the spirits of struggling families up. When they bring the things you send to their families, it’s a joyous occasion filled with laughter and smiles; a rare sight in their difficult circumstances. We bring this joy and laughter with every box from Amazon.

I’ve learned that there is something lonely and dispiriting about not choosing the foods you and your family want. We are putting a lot of smiles on people’s faces and their children’s faces, too. They need something to be happy about. Something that will take the fear and shame away.

That’s where we come in.

Cambridge Pantry Director Sarah chose two elemental items—the ever-popular Parmesan Cheese and canned potatoes—to fill a stomach with healthy food. Please help if you can. Sarah never sleeps.

Grated Parmesan Cheese Shaker, 8 oz, $2.96.

Del Monte Fresh Cut Diced Canned Potatoes, 14 Pack, 14.5 oz can, $20.28.

(The potatoes will make a dozen families smile.)

These items, chosen with Care, can make a significant difference in the lives of struggling families.

The Cambridge Pantry Amazon Wish List is updated regularly and is not accessible day or night, every day of the week. When Sarah sees she is getting enough of an item for the next week or so, she removes it from the list, saving people money and encouraging them to browse and make their own decisions about what to send. People like having this say in the good they do.

You can access the food wish list by clicking right here or going to the green button (above) at the bottom of every blog post at any time. It feels good to help other people feel good; these lives are complicated. It’s a great thing to help me sleep when I get to bed.



We’ve filled many shelves, but one of those I’m incredibly proud of is the Woman’s Needs shelf. We’ve filled it for several weeks now, and it is appreciated. We are bringing some light into these homes. The idea that people they don’t know and will never meet care about them is a tonic. They know that people care.


    1. Yes, you can beat a dead horse and are. I do not choose to be a dead horse of yours. I do not order food from the food pantry or decide what they can or cannot do. I’ve gotten rude and hostile messages from alleged nutritionists attacking me for helping the pantry. None of them seem to understand that the pantry has no choice but to accept what the food banks give them, and I am not a nutritionist and find their arrogance and ignorance of reality good reason to dislike elitists and academic eggheads. I will not tell the pantry what to get nor pressure them to order foods that their patrons and pantries can’t afford. If you wish to help the people who are hungry, feel free to raise money and send the food you like to the food pantry, they will be happy to receive it if it concurs with the strict and detailed requirements of the food banks and state and federal governments.

      They are not empowered, legally or professionally, to acquire the food strangers on social media tell them they should get. Usually, the things food nutritionists say they should have cost about five times as much as commercial food; this is at a time when food problems are worsening, costs are rising, and many more people are going hungry; My philosophy is that I will help the food pantry in any way they request, no one but them is helping these people and they deserve praise and support, not self-righteous nagging from people who have no grasp of the reality or suffering of their patrons. I have no willingness to vet or criticize what they purchase. I believe that the least healthy food is no food, which many of these people face. They are terrified and exhausted and worry about their children. No one else is helping them, and I am very proud of the work I am trying to do. I find your dead horse beating offensive and obnoxious. If you do it again, I will be happy to block you. Get out of your bubble and do some homework. I do not work for you and will not do your homework or accept assignments. Take care.

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