20 August

Army Of Good: See What You Have Brought To The Cambridge Food Pantry. And Enriched The Lives Of Hundreds Of Women And Children Who Need Your Help

by Jon Katz

Thank you for the tremendous work and generosity you have shown the Cambridge Food Pantry. Because of you, all the foods below would not have been available to the hundreds of people who come to the food pantry and are struggling to feed themselves and their families.

This is so you can see with your own eyes what you have done. You deserve that, at least, and much more.

Empty shelves are full, at least for a few days. Things like tampons and dental paste have altered the lives of people who could not afford them and who had to choose between these items and food. They are eating food like soups that were not available to them before.

The items speak for themselves; I  went to photograph them today. Sarah is thrilled with the work the Army Of Good is doing; you’ve saved the day many times and made it better. This means so much to these people; again and again, they ask me to thank you. Thank you.

I spent time with Sarah today reviewing what she needs and when. I’ll list this tomorrow for those of you who want a jump on doing good. She is very eager for help and grateful for it, and she needs it now more than ever because there are many more people coming to the pantry.

I asked her the names of three things she had trouble getting or keeping in stock. She had no problem answering: Roast Coffee, $16,69; Corned Beef Hash, $33.75; and Tide Liquid Laundry Soap, $5,50.

These are items the patrons very much want and always ask for.

I’ll post them tomorrow as well. Sarah told me that as soon as she got the items she needed (she had little storage space), she took them off the list. Feel free to browse the pantry Wish List anytime, day or night, seven days a week. You can also link using the green button at the bottom of every post on my blog.

I hope you enjoy seeing your great assistance to the pantry. Bless all of you. You are together, one sweet miracle.















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