19 August

Maria’s Good Monday Morning Video From Bedlam Farm. What Bedlam Farm Was Meant To Be

by Jon Katz



For years now, Maria has started Monday mornings the same way. She gets up at sunrise, puts on her boots, grabs her iPhone, and heads out to check on the farm and its animals. This tradition has become a big deal on her blog and YouTube. I’m sharing it on Mondays now; the videos are lovely; they capture the feeling and reality of life on the farm. You can also see them on her blog, fullmoonfiberart.com.

This is what we always hoped Bedlam Farm would be.


  1. I always love Maria’s videos but I especially love this one. It’s a very different perspective from the usual ones and it’s just lovely to see the donkeys and sheep charging in from the back pasture. Thank you Maria <3

  2. I really enjoy the videos of your farm, especially seeing the animals and hearing Maria talk to them.
    Thank you!

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