19 August

It’s That Time Of The Month: JON SUPPORT. Keep Bedlamfarm.com Going

by Jon Katz

The blog is free, and so are my flower photos and the stories of Zip, Zinnia, Bud, Fate, Lulu, Fanny, the Imperious Hens, farm and landscape pictures, free e-mail blog deliveries, and the blog itself. It has never been better, focused, functional, or beautiful. People also thank me for offering occasional perspective (hysteria-free) on the presidential campaign. The blog is still growing.

Those are free, too, but the hard truth is that none of these things are free for me. My costs, like yours, are going up. I am determined to keep the blog free, but I need your support to do that and keep it functioning and improving.

If the blog matters to you, I hope you consider supporting it.

I need donations of any size, either paid monthly or annually. Donations can be made via Facebook at [email protected] or Venmo at Jon Katz@Jon-Katz-13 or via mail at Jon Katz, Blog Support, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

These payments are free and will stay that way as long as possible. The hot trend online is for successful bloggers to charge for some or all of their posts (substack, etc.). I don’t want to go there. You can read about blog support donations (all voluntary) here on the blog itself.

But I need some support. I just turned 77.  I am not wealthy and depend on donations and support to keep the blog going. I am proud of this blog and work hard at it. I’m trying to save up some money to buy a used lens that will enhance my photography even more.

Even Zip costs money. People tell me how much they love following Zip and his adventures. But even he costs time and money. So do beautiful flowers and nice cameras.

Judging from my mail and messages (and the rising number of readers), the blog is doing well. It is hungry, and many people find it of some value. I am also committed to being paid for my work if possible and keeping it free if people can’t afford to pay.

I get messages every day from people telling me how much the blog means to them and how much they appreciate the good words we do—refugee kids, school art, the Mansion, and now, and very successfully, The Cambridge Food Pantry, a model of what caring people do for other people who need some help. There is also—ahem—my writing, which I do think is worth something.

My last support appeals were unsuccessful; I hate asking for other people’s money. I’d be delighted if your money went to Sue Silverstein and her art program or the good people at the Mansion or the Cambridge Food Pantry.

But I live in the real world, as do you. So, I’m asking for some blog support again; it’s bill-paying time of the month. I have no complaints or laments about my life. I chose it, love it, and living it with my most wonderful wife. I have no regrets.

I did not select security or wealth. I will never retire.

But I’m afraid I must keep asking for support to keep it going and growing.

If you find it informative, interesting, uplifting, stimulating, or safe, please consider helping out via Paypal, [email protected], Venmo, Jon Katz@Jon-Katz-13 or by check, Jon Katz, Blog Support P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

You’ll be able to read about blog support here.



  1. Hi Jon! My bank only uses Zelle not Venmo and I had a bad experience with Paypal a few years ago. Is there any way to use Zelle for blog support or does that cost you money also. I used my debit card until that got too expensive for you so now I’m at a loss. Maybe I should just use the mail?

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