18 August

Beautiful Day, Saturday, August 18: Alvin Outsmarts Zip Once More, Lulu Gets Her Apple, Pink Hydrangeas And Beautiful Dahlias

by Jon Katz

This may have been the most beautiful day of the summer. I sat out with Zip, looking out at the pasture. The wind blew the clouds away,  and the sun came out in the afternoon. Maria returned from her long walk in the woods and joined us for a few hours. I needed to get to work but couldn’t get up for a while. On to my Flower Art. I’m negotiating for a used Sigma 50 mm lens that works well with my flower photography.

I can’t afford a Leica lens or a new Sigma one, for that matter, but this one is three years old, inexpensive, and supposedly in good shape.  I have 60 days to return it if I don’t like it.

I almost traded in my Monochrome lens, but I couldn’t do it.

(Above, Zip is hiding out in Alvin’s space. It didn’t work.)

The lens is inexpensive, and I have a year to pay it off. Every year, I work hard to advance my photography. I don’t want to get static or lazy; I work hard at it and love every minute.

Photography has been one of the healthiest and most satisfying things I’ve ever done.


Lulu couldn’t get the apple off the fence. As soon as I got the picture, I got it for her.


St. Joseph holding his lilies in the sunlight. He is our weather saint.


When I’m taking my flower photos, Zip knows to give me space. But he is always nearby, keeping me company and staying close. I hate to think of these sessions without him.

Zip tried to lay a trap for Alvin, but Alvin popped up on the other side of the fence, 20 feet away, chirping and – it seemed to me – teasing and laughing at Zip. Zip is getting the message; he’d love to call Alvin but needs to focus on it. Alvin sounds the alarm every time he comes near, and all of the chipmunks vanish to safety.

Pink Hydrangeas


One of the first Dahlias is in Maria’s Dahlia garden.


  1. Hi Jon… Wonderful photos as always! I was just wondering… Last year you shared with us that you had befriended a lone horse up on a hill that you would take apples to. I haven’t seen anything written about the horse in a while, and wondered if you still visit the horse?

  2. Did you ever consider that Alvin might be a tag team? The chipmunks I have for neighbors are smart enough to do that.

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