17 August

Flower Art: Some Of My Greatest Hits. Quarantined Today. I Got A Few Shots, Hit The Archives. No Stopping Flower Art.

by Jon Katz

I had to stay inside today for my body and for my eyes, which are already getting prepped for my cataract surgery on August 27th. I really have to stay out of the sun, which has caused a major hive breakout due to the heat and allergies brought on by the rains. I can’t keep pretending I don’t have to pay attention.

I’m strongly instructed to stay out of the sun for now, and I am listening for once. I got to take a few photos, then went back and dug into my recent archives for a few more and visited Zip. I’m happy with my photos lately and planning what I can do next year to improve my photography even more.

I will be able to take photos and blog regularly during the cataract period; one of my doctors is suggesting some preparatory work on my eyes before the surgery date, August 27th. I’ll figure out how to do it. I had to stay inside today, except for a brief ride with Maria for food shopping. She drove. See you in the morning, and thanks.














  1. Your photographs and your expertise in taking them has grown by leaps and bounds over the years I have been following your blog. Every time I get ready to open a post, I get excited about what new delights I am about to see! It’s such a pleasure to watch your growth and to hear about how satisfying it is to you to peer more deeply into the world and soul of the flower. Congratulations on finding something so positive and beautiful to focus on!!

  2. Brilliant Jon! Always love the colors and unique composition of your flower photos. Hope you’re feeling better soon 🙂

    1. Thanks, Kathleen, I’m on the mend! They can knock me down, but they can’t keep me down…:) thanks for the good words..

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