I can’t be out in the heat rigt now, but I did manage a quick visit with Zip. We had a good talk. and a selfie.
Zip was out looking for Alvin today; he was thwarted as usual. Alvin popped up 20 away, squeaked, and disappeared down a hole. Once again, Zip was too late. Alvin 12, Zip 0.
Zip in newly constructed Castle Zip, he can gaze out over almost of his vast kingdom.
This is what Zip does when he wants me to scratch his belly. It works too, just like the donkeys know how to get me to give them an alfalfa cube – they look at me with their big round eyes and seduce me with their soft bray, reserved exclusively for me.
I’d say that that was a real ZIP-itty doo-da kind of day!!!!
The 🍜 of Zip waiting for belly rubs is adorable. I can see why you can’t resist not scratching.