16 August

The Cambridge Pantry Volunteer T-Shirts. One Day They’ll Be Available To Everybody.

by Jon Katz

Sarah Harrington, the Cambridge Food Pantry’s Executive Director, is skilled at many things. She is a designer by training, and in addition to running the food pantry and fighting for its patronage, she is working hard to bring a sense of community to it.

She acknowledges the volunteers’ hard work and shows her appreciation.

I enjoy working with her. Her latest good idea is classy T-Shirts for the many hard working pantry volunteers.

She is also re-designing the food pantry to make it brighter and more modern. She is also a wicked grant seeker.

She is bringing tremendous energy, lifting the morale of the volunteers, and touching the community, her community, and beyond. I’m urging her to sell them and raise money for the pantry through the Army Of Good.

She is the person who invited me to be an advocate for the pantry, and that has worked out well (to say the least.)



One of Sarah’s designs, these T-shirts, made a significant impact at the Memorial Day Parade for the Food Pantry. They were a huge hit, drawing attention to the cause and the hard work of the volunteers.

The T-shirts have been ordered for volunteers only. I don’t wear T-shirts, but I asked for one for Maria. I know she would love the design. She works as a volunteer at the pantry every week.

I love the sense of community and achievement that Sarah is bringing to the pantry; it’s exciting to watch her work. It’s also been a great gift to me; it gives significant meaning to my life and work and has fired up Ithe Army of Good.

The world needs good deeds right now, community, and empathy.

We’re due for a Compassion Revolution.


  1. Jon, I had cataracts removed from both eyes and had no problems but I wanted to share that when I came home that day and passed a nearby window I was shocked how I could see so much pink outside. Cataracts are like looking through nicotine stains. The colors are amazing for the first few days until you get used to it. Savor the beauty. Best of luck.

  2. Love the t-shirt design…so fun!

    And, good luck with the cataract surgery! Those I know who have had it done, have been happy. I had Lasik surgery done on my eyes, to improve my distance vision, 21 years ago and it’s still holding up. I need over the counter readers, but that’s it. So remarkable after 50 years with glasses.

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