16 August

Sue Silverstein Needs Our Help And Support – Donations And A New Art Supply Wish List Coming

by Jon Katz

Note: When I first met Sue Silverstein, she was going broke buying food and clothing for needy refugee children. Catholic school teachers don’t make much money; I talked her into doing a series of successful Amazon Wish Lists for her art supplies. The Army of Good responded with great heart and generosity. Now, as the new school year approaches,  Sue is out buying things again for her art student, and once again, I have pressured her – she hates to ask for money – to prepare a Wish List so that her students will have the supplies they need to do the fantastic art she has been teaching then how to do. We’ll put up this new Bishop Gibbons Amazon Art Class Wish List shortly; please be on the lookout for it. I’ll make noise about it on the blog and support it all the way. As you can read below in her 16th Friday column, she also needs more of the donated objects she has used so brilliantly all year and that so many of you have been generous enough to provide. Thanks for supporting her.  School teachers should not have to spend their very hard-earned wages on supplies, tissues, and snacks. She has spent most of her life helping children; she never lets them down, and we will never let her down.  – Jon Katz


News from the Art Room 16-Summer Edition

The days of August, especially the last two weeks…..

A teacher I know went to the dollar store for tissues and spent 65$. There were just so many cool classroom things: tissues, of course, and….the cutest little paint mixing cups with lids, dish soap, hand soap, the ever-important stain remover, bags of colored stones (so pretty), glue sticks, and amazing metal sunflowers. I can say with certainty that all my fellow teachers do the same thing. I am getting super excited about the lessons I have been working on this vacation. Watch for some utterly amazing art this year!

I will add a set design component to the Fall semester’s 3D Design and Sculpture Class. I have put together many lessons about the design and creation of sets. I cannot say what the school musical will be (big secret), but we will be helping create some incredibly fun set designs.

I was away from school for most of this week. I had some things to care for, and the fabulous maintenance staff stripped and waxed my floors. There are many moving parts in the art room, so it is not easy to empty the room and put everything back. I appreciate them so much. They wanted it to be all set for me to come back next week. So many good people bless me.

Near the end of the month, Jon kindly offered a wish list for all the disposable things we need to make our program work. I genuinely do not know how to thank him for all he has done for us and has done for the past years. He is the most compassionate man I know.


As we get closer to being back in business full-time, I am still seeking donations of everything you feel could be turned into art! Wire, gauze, plaster, shutters, glassware, paint, canvas, printing materials, maps, stamps, sandpaper, wood scraps, and all the other amazing things you can think of would be so helpful. If you are local and have smallish pieces of furniture you would like to see repurposed, we are always looking! I even did a dresser for my house this summer that I bought for ten dollars at a church sale. The students love to make old things new!

I love hearing from you. My email is Sue_Silverstein@nd-bg.org. 

Have a blessed day!



2600 Albany Street

Schenectady, New York 12304

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